Welcome to the Funding Your Start Up Business Course. This is the first course in the Start to Scale Business Academy. Many new entrepreneurs struggle with how to finance their business ideas. In this course Sifu Karl Romain will share with you several options to raise the money to get started. This course also has PDF's and Excel sheets to support what you will be learning. Enroll today and get started on learning how to fund your start-up today!
Your Instructor
Sifu Karl Romain is a highly sought-after Certified Master Coach whose clients come from all walks of life, from business executives to pro-athletes, coaches, entrepreneurs, and couples seeking growth in their relationships. He excels at guiding clients through step-by-step plans and actions to help them define and achieve their goals. No stranger to adversity himself, Karl Romain overcame life-threatening injuries to become the World Martial Arts Champion and a Hall Of Fame Member.
Taking the knowledge gained from his experiences, Sifu Romain was inspired to create the “Champions for Life” and "Finding Balance" seminar series. These seminars are designed to encourage and motivate participants to live their dreams and win at life despite the adversity and challenges they may face. Through the inspiration of his own life’s journey, Sifu Romain has accomplished many goals including becoming a best-selling published author and speaker, as well as having made multiple television appearances on popular programs such as Oprah and The Dr. Oz show, and regular radio appearances as a guest on various programs and as co-host of the RESET radio and digital show. Through his passion, he found his purpose, and is ready to help you find and live your dreams!